


時間:2015-03-13   來源:紅纓教育   作者:客戶中心   點擊:

Pull it out chant 01-01 串燒
Turnip turnip,put it out. Hey-yoo, hey-yoo. Put it out.
Turnip turnip,put it out. Hey-yoo, hey-yoo. Put it out.
The turnip is out.

Pull the turnip chant 02-01
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, grandpa come on
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, grandma come on
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, girl come on
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, dog come on
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, cat come on
Turnip big,Turnip sweet, mouse come on

Take a bath song 03-01
Wash wash, wash my face.Wash wash, wash my hands.
Clean, clean, I am clean.Clean, clean, We are clean.
Wash wash, wash my feet.Wash wash, wash my body.
Clean, clean, I am clean.Clean, clean, We are clean.

I’m clean chant 04-01
Face face face, face is
clean,hands hands hands, hands are clean
Feet feet feet, feet are clean,body body body, body is clean.

Who told you song 05-01串燒
Sky is falling down, who told you? Monkey, rabbit.
Sky is falling down, who told you? Dog, cat.
Sky is falling down, who told you? It was mouse.

What’s wrong chant 06-01串燒
What’s wrong?what’s wrong?The sky is falling down.
What’s wrong?what’s wrong?The sky is falling down.
No, no, no, you were cheated. Oh,oh,oh,you were cheated.

Candy song chant 07-01
Candy candy candy candy have more,  more candies.
Great great, great it’s sweet sweet.Candy please.
Candy candy candy candy have more,  more candies.
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,oh my teeth. My teeth.

Pull out your teeth chant 08-01
Pull out, your teeth. Pull out, your teeth.
All the teeth.All the teeth.1/2/3; 1/2/3;
Pull out, your teeth. Pull out, your teeth.
All the teeth.All the teeth.4/5/6;4/5/6;
Pull out all your teeth.

(供稿:劉暢 校對:崔柳 郭彤洋)

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